Find your happiness
and learn to put it first.

Feeling frustrated, unsatisfied, overwhelmed, or overstretched?

Woman looking anxious sipping coffee. Rebecca Murauskas, Life Coach for Professionals, Work-Life Integration

Fear can make us fake, compulsive, and small-minded.

And, the pressure to achieve and succeed in every facet of work and life is tremendous. The non-stop hustle is oppressive and pervasive. 

Sweet friend, you have more choice, freedom, and power than you recognize.

It’s time to take your life back!

You are meant to THRIVE

Disconnected from yourself and those you love

What needs to change for that to happen? 

The list may be short, quite long, or you may not know at all. Either way, the clock is ticking. Your life is happening now.

Achieve the most important accomplishments: peace, relaxation, vitality, and freedom from the anxiety of constantly proving yourself.

You are worthy of the change you seek.

I can help!

Hey! I’m Rebecca. 

My guess is someone you trust mentioned my name, or you ran across one of my articles, videos, or posts online. Whichever the genesis, I’m super stoked you’re here! This site is full of ideas, resources, and inspiration to help you change your life (not joking!). Here’s a quick overview, so you can find what you’re looking for, and we can grow something beautiful together.

Try a free session. See if it’s right for you.

No commitment or pressure. Just an honest chat about what’s going on in your life, career, or business.

Kristal Howard

“I’ve known Rebecca for 12 years, and from the moment I met her, she’s had a vibrant spark—full of energy, life, and wisdom. I quickly gravitated to her light.  

During our mentorship turned friendship, she’s helped me to dream and think bigger. Her practical yet ambitious vision has inspired me in so many ways, from my romantic relationships to my career, finances, and lifestyle.  

She’s remarkable.”  

— Kristal, communications executive

Rebecca Murauskas High-Performance Life Coach and Business Strategist